Thursday, September 23, 2010

Article from New York Times

In the Fatosphere, Big Is In, or at Least Accepted

Published: January 22, 2008

For years, health experts have been warning that Americans are too fat, that we exercise too little and eat too much, that our health is in jeopardy.

Some fat people beg to differ.
Blogs written by fat people — and it’s fine to use the word, they say — have multiplied in recent months, filling a virtual soapbox known as the fatosphere, where bloggers calling for fat acceptance challenge just about everything conventional medical wisdom has to say about obesity.

Smart, sassy and irreverent, bloggers with names like Big Fat Deal, FatChicksRule and Fatgrrl (“Now with 50 percent more fat!”) buck anti-obesity sentiment. They celebrate their full figures and call on readers to accept their bodies, quit dieting and get on with life.
The message from the fatosphere is not just that big is beautiful. Many of the bloggers dismiss the “obesity epidemic” as hysteria. They argue that Americans are not that much larger than they used to be and that being fat in and of itself is not necessarily bad for you.
And they reject a core belief that many Americans, including overweight ones, hold dear: that all a fat person needs to do to be thin is exercise more and eat less.
“One of the first obstacles to fat acceptance is breaking down the question of whether being fat is a choice,” Kate Harding, founder of the blog Shapely Prose, said in an interview. “No fat acceptance advocate is saying you should sit around and wildly overeat. What we’re saying is that exercise and a balanced diet do not make everyone thin.”
Ms. Harding, a 33-year-old yoga enthusiast from Chicago, promotes the idea of health at any size (she is a 16). She started Shapely Prose ( last April, after noticing that posts about fat in her personal blog hit a nerve. Since then, it has quickly become one of the most popular fat acceptance blogs, with an average of 3,710 page views per day, according to Sitemeter, a Web statistics program.
People come in different shapes and sizes, bloggers like Ms. Harding say, and for those who come extra-large, dieting is futile. Many of the bloggers label their sites “no-dietzones.” (Don’t even mention weight-loss surgery.)
“You relapse, and then you go on a diet again, and this time you’re going to do it, it’s really going to be it this time,” Marianne Kirby, a 30-year-old blogger from Orlando, Fla., who writes The Rotund (, said in an interview. “And it still doesn’t work, not long-term — you end up heavier than before. And you say to yourself: Why did I fall for this again?’ ”
The blogs have drawn their share of negative, even vicious comments. But for overweight readers, the messages are empowering — and liberating.
“Girlfriend, let me tell you, I am finally coming to grips with myself,” one fan commented on Ms. Harding’s site. “I will always be fat. I accept that now.”
Harriet Brown, a 49-year-old blogger in Wisconsin and an occasional contributor to The New York Times, encourages readers to take her “I Love My Body Pledge” (, in which they promise not to talk “trash” about “how fat my thighs or stomach” are, and not “call myself a fat pig.”
Fat Fu’s anonymous blog ( has a ruthless deconstruction of recent research like the “fat friends” study, as well as one of the most comprehensive lists of links to the fatosphere, including online communities, fashions and health sites for fat people. The Big Fat Deal blog ( suggests 10 ways to be a “body positivity activist,” including “Be yourself,” “Understand that a lot of people are hateful morons” and “Don’t be afraid to order the cheesecake.”
Many of the bloggers are women whose writing has a distinctly feminist flavor, but there are male fat-acceptance bloggers like Red No. 3 (, who says: “See, I don’t have a problem with fat. My body is simply adorned, and I’ll take that.”
But some experts say this sort of message is dangerous and undermines public health efforts to rein in obesity. “We do have to be careful not to put all the blame on the individual,” said Dr. Walter C. Willett, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. But he added, “The large majority of people who are overweight are overweight because of lifestyle.”
The bloggers argue that changes in definitions over time, along with flaws in the body mass index formula, have pushed more Americans into the “fat” and “obese” categories, and they point to provocative studies suggesting that there may be benefits to being overweight, including a large study that found that underweight Americans are more likely to die than those who are moderately overweight.
Several other recent studies on heart patients and dialysis patients have also reported higher survival rates among heavier patients, suggesting that the link between body size and health may be more complex than generally acknowledged. Another study of people over 60 found that being fit has more bearing on longevity than simply being thin.
The bloggers’ main contention is that being fat is not a result of moral failure or a character flaw, or of gluttony, sloth or a lack of willpower. Diets often boomerang, they say; indeed, numerous long-term studies have found that even though dieters are often able to lose weight in the short term, they almost always regain the lost pounds over the next few years.
Ultimately, these bloggers argue, being skinny may have far more to do with the luck of the genetic draw than with lifestyle choices.
“We accept that some people are tall and some people are short,” said Rachel Richardson, 28, of Cincinnati, who writes a blog called The F-Word ( “Yet we seem to think all people should be thin — it just doesn’t make sense.”
Fat acceptance bloggers contend that the war on obesity has given people an excuse to wage war on fat people and that health concerns — coupled with the belief that fat people have only themselves to blame for being fat — are being used to justify discrimination that would not be tolerated toward just about any other group of people.
“I’m not surprised there are so many of these blogs now,” Ms. Richardson said. “Anti-obesity hysteria has reached a boiling point. Blogging is a way for people to fight back.”

Monday, September 20, 2010

Obesity ills 'are a myth' -

The Daily Express has reported on an Ohio State University study that disputes the accepted wisdom that the 'obesity epidemic' is responsible for various health conditions and that we should all "curb our obsession with dieting". It uses NHANES III data and claims that there are few health differences between 'normal weight' and 'obese' indivisduals under age 40, and thereafter only in the proportion of medication use (which could demonstrate an increased tendency on the part of physicians to pathologise and hence over-prescribe to those in this group). Says researcher Brant Jarret:
“There is a myth going on. Our findings show being overweight is no different from being what we believe is a healthy weight and this is across a person’s entire lifespan. For college-age adults, this should help them realize that they don’t have to worry so much if they have a Body Mass Index of 27 or 28. Some young people with these BMIs feel like, ‘I’m going to have all these problems, I need to try 50 different diets.’ And what is all that stress and dieting doing to your body? Probably more damage than the extra 15lb. Being obese before you are 40 has no correlation to your health either. The risk that people are told about does not exist.”
There's nothing here we don't already know, but it's good to see it on the front page of one of the same national tabloids that up until now has been instrumental in the process of 'frightening' fat people into thinking they are ill. Of course there's the obligatory disclaimer about 'gross obesity' (nice!) still damaging health, and the usual comments claiming anyone daring to even think about questioning the party line is a dangerous heretic bent on undermining the war on fat people (damn right!) as well as a couple of sensible ones, but overall it's a surprisingly balanced article. More please!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fat acceptance

Founded in 1969, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) is a non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to ending size discrimination in all of its forms. NAAFA's goal is to help build a society in which people of every size are accepted with dignity and equality in all aspects of life. NAAFA will pursue this goal through advocacypublic education, and support. (

The fat acceptance movement is working to change the discriminatory attitudes of you skinny people.
Overweight people are targets of hatred, prejudice and pity. But I can say for myself that I am proud to be the shape I am, I would rather live a shorter life and enjoy my cake than starve myself to fit into societal expectations. 

We come in all sizes. Understand it. Support it. Accept it.

"Large, big-boned, heavy, overweight, chubby, zaftig, voluptuous, Rubenesque, plump, and obese are all synonyms for fear." - Marilyn Wann
I found this quote really inspirational, discrimination towards fat people is simply a method to make themselves feel better, my being fat isn't hurting anyone.

The 'huge' facebook page (, has this week stabbed it's own followers in the back.
From the Huge Facebook account:
Hey Huge fans! Do you want to go to weight loss camp next summer? Win a full summer scholarship at Camp Shane. Write an essay for The Camp Shane Nikki Blonsky Scholarship and you just might be the deserving winner! Click here for details on how to enter:
That's right. A scholarship to fat camp. Thanks for the support guys.

I'm not even sure how to react at this point. This is not acceptable. This is a stab in the back, a mocking of the support, attention, and airtime we've given the show. Kind of seems like a twisted joke, if you ask me.

Reactions from fans on their Facebook were initially pretty negative, but now if you go there you'll see the fat haters and "it's for your health" evangelists are coming out of the woodwork. 

What we should be encouraging is body acceptance. How about a body-positive camp for kids who feel bad about their bodies? An alternative to fat camp, with physical and non-physical activities, focusing on body-image and confidence-boosting. This would give kids a way to deal with the hate and bullying they encounter throughout school. I know I would have benefited from this when I was younger!

body-positive camp for kids who feel bad about their bodies (for whatever reason) would be amazing. An alternative to fat camp, though will all sorts of fun physical (and non-physical) activities, with body-image and confidence-boosting being the main focus of the camp. And giving these kids words to fight the hate they encounter in such fine, virulent form in most traditional high schools.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Plane Seats

'Obese should buy two plane seats'
A SURVEY has revealed 70 per cent of Aussies think obese or largely overweight people should have to purchase two economy class seat tickets when travelling by plane.
In May 2010, surveyed 800 Australian travellers as part of its annual Travel Survey. One of the questions was: ‘Do you think that obese or largely overweight people should have to purchase two economy class seat tickets when travelling by plane?’.
The results demonstrated a growing interest and concern from Aussie travellers, General Manager – Brand Lisa Ferrari said.
“In 2008 we posed the same question to Australians, and back then it seemed the nation was grossly torn with 53% feeling that people should have to purchase two seats.
"But two years later, the scales have well and truly been tipped."
The fluctuating issue of obese and overweight passengers has been ongoing since 2008 when a Canadian Court ruled that overweight people could have two seats for the price of one.
It appeared back on the menu recently when an American ‘overweight’ man was not allowed to fly because he was “too fat”.
Here's the link to the rest of the article:

The average dress size for an Australian woman is size 14, but what about those of us who are a little bit bigger? Should we have to pay twice as much to travel because we were made a bit bigger? It's completely unfair, Australians need to understand that we are getting bigger and we should be catered for.